The Book Of Investing Wisdom

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My recommendation: 7/10
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Summary of notes and ideas
If you have not started investing yourself, this book is for you. The book features essays and speeches from some of the greatest investors, starting with Charles H. Dow, Benjamin Graham, George Soros, Peter Lynch to Warren Buffett or Mario Gabelli.
I have listened to the book so I’ll repost a paragraph from the description:
The 46 essays featured in this book are organized into eight categories, covering the nuts and bolts of analysis, investing attitude and philosophy, investing strategies, market cycles, views from the inside, lessons from notorious characters, insights from the Great Crashes, and advice beyond your average blue chip. Each essay is preceded by a brief introduction that provides intriguing and insightful background information about its author’s life and career, and places the essay in historical perspective. Significant statements, inspiring thoughts, and even quirky bits of wisdom have been highlighted throughout the book to call attention to each contributor’s most memorable ideas.
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