Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day

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My recommendation: 8/10
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Summary of notes and ideas
Do you want to work on projects that matter, and waste less time on stuff that just does not? Read this book.
The author of Design Sprint was at it again. He noticed, firstly, that he wants to write much more than work at Google, and secondly, that he was wasting a loooooot of his time for stuff that does not matter!
As I did not read but listend to the book, I cannot copy+paste much here. Hence, I grapped this below from a fellow blog:
1. Highlight: Start each day by choosing a priority
Asking yourself “What’s going to be the highlight of my day?” ensures that you spend time on what matters most to you and don’t lose the entire day reacting to other people’s priorities.
2. Laser: Beat distraction to make time
Distractions like email, social media, and breaking news are everywhere. We’ll show you how to adjust your devices and apps so you can find Laser mode.
3. Energize: Use the body to recharge the brain
The lifestyle defaults of the 21st Century ignore our evolutionary history and rob us of energy, but with a few small changes, you can reset those defaults and power up.
4. And more, read more about the book here
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